Naida Gavrelis
Vice President
I am passionate about doing all we can to protect people’s health and well-being and the environment in which we live. I have devoted my career to addressing health risks encountered in our communities and workplaces. I strive to solve problems using common sense and sound science.
Naida Gavrelis is a public health scientist and ERG vice president with more than 30 years of experience researching, evaluating, and communicating human health risks associated with environmental and occupational health exposures. Her work centers on exploring the relationship between chemical exposures and adverse health outcomes and identifying solutions to prevent or reduce those exposures. She receives repeated accolades from clients about her strong analytical, communication, and project management skills.
Naida has developed a wide range of technical, outreach, communication, training, and educational materials, as well as articles for peer-reviewed journals and conference presentations and posters. She also has served as a technical coordinator for high-profile scientific panels and peer reviews on a variety of public health and human health risk assessment topics.
Naida holds an M.P.H. in environmental science from Boston University and a B.S. in biology from Tufts University. Her passion for public health began early in her career, when she worked as a college intern for a local board of health and then for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. When not at work, she greatly enjoys the outdoors and being with and caring for friends and family.