Roy Oommen
Senior Chemical Engineer
Most of us come into this profession with a healthy sense of idealism, wanting to make a positive contribution to the environment. Looking back at the last 30 years, I can honestly say that what we do at ERG has made a difference. Sometimes small, sometimes big, but always positive. The type of work we do matters to the environment. I am fortunate to be working with people who genuinely care about doing good and doing a good job.
Roy Oommen is a group manager and senior engineer at ERG’s Morrisville office. For the past 30 years, he has led over 40 regulatory development projects covering a number of industries, including petroleum refining, pulp and paper manufacturing, industrial and commercial boilers, sewage sludge incinerators, animal feeding operations, grain elevators, and chemical manufacturing. He has extensive experience characterizing emissions for regulated sources, identifying relevant control technologies, and estimating cost and emission impacts of controlling emissions. He is also an expert on leak detection and repair programs and has supported the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in developing equipment leak standards and alternative work practices using a gas imaging camera. He also manages ERG’s support of the Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program.
Roy holds a B.S. in chemical engineering from Pennsylvania State University.