Susan McClutchey
Senior Chemical Engineer
I came to ERG an optimist with a thirst for learning, collaboration, and problem solving. Reflecting on my years with ERG, while progress may be incremental, I have found that the benefits of our work are irrefutable. My optimism for the future remains intact and stems from having colleagues and clients who are relentlessly dedicated to improving the world for every person in it.
During her 25+ years of experience as a chemical engineer at ERG supporting federal regulatory agencies, Susan McClutchey has found that lasting, equitable change stems from listening to all people involved in an environmental issue. As a result, she has developed a passion for bringing clients, stakeholders, industry representatives, and communities together to address environmental concerns with practical and innovative solutions. Susan has provided industry outreach, training, technical support, and data analysis for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s annual Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program and supported the development and implementation of grants under EPA’s Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program and EPA’s Consumer Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program. Her grant program work has included facilitating stakeholder engagement webinars and providing post-award assistance to help grantees access the technical resources they need to successfully implement their projects. Recognizing that meaningful solutions rely on accurate data from a variety of sources, she has facilitated training and helpline support for large industry data collection efforts, including a project to gather combustion source data from over 12,000 facilities.
Over her career, Susan has also developed an aptitude for categorization and analysis of public comments. She has trained clients and co-workers on ERG’s Comment Categorization and Analysis Tool, and facilitated more than 20 comment projects that, collectively, involved gathering, sorting, summarizing, analyzing, and drafting responses to thousands of public comments. She also led ERG’s team in analyzing public comments concerning EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guideline program, which involved meticulously sorting comments into over 500 categories and then summarizing them for use in future CPG determinations and development of a report to Congress.
Susan earned a B.S. in chemical engineering from Texas A&M University, with an emphasis on environmental issues. Outside work, she loves relaxing and laughing with her wonderful husband, David, and their three sons. She also enjoys attending her husband’s theatre productions, teaching childbirth classes, and adopting rescue animals.