Deb Bartram
Vice President
From an early age when I volunteered to clean up trash in local waterways, I’ve been passionate about improving water quality. I’m excited about innovative options for controlling industrial discharges and enjoy the constant challenge of finding and applying ever more cost-effective and environmentally beneficial solutions.
Deb Bartram, an ERG vice president, has spent her entire career working to improve water quality. From her first position reviewing wetlands permits for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to her 35-year tenure supporting the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Office Water, she has skillfully evaluated the environmental footprint associated with necessary industrial and municipal development and successfully identified technology-based solutions to minimize or eliminate impacts.
Deb is a recognized expert in wastewater treatment, supporting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in refining and updating methodologies to estimate greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment operations and resulting discharges to the environment. She also leads ERG water quality teams in identifying and supporting scientifically sound and realistic approaches for improving our nation’s waters. She has developed specialized expertise in characterizing point source pollution and in evaluating the costs and benefits of technology-based solutions to reduce point source discharges. She has reviewed and profiled a wide variety of industrial categories and conducted corresponding engineering and environmental assessments.
Deb holds a B.S. in environmental engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. She is actively involved in community theatre and enjoys playing the flute and saxophone and spending time with her husband and three beautiful rescue dogs.