Assessing the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of Biofuels Production Using Input-Output Modeling

Project Brief
The Challenge
Biofuels have been proposed as a means for transitioning to a low-carbon economy. However, comprehensively and consistently assessing the environmental and socioeconomic impacts of next-generation biofuel pathways remains a challenge.
ERG's Solution
ERG supported the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in developing the Bioeconomy Environmentally extended Input-Output Model (BEIOM). This model expands on the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s publicly available U.S. Environmentally Extended Input Output (USEEIO) model by incorporating data for several “near-commercial” biofuels pathways. The BEIOM enables a comprehensive, consistent assessment of environmental impacts across biofuels including greenhouse gases, eutrophication, and toxicity, as well as economic impacts such as jobs and economic value added. The framework for its use is documented in a peer-reviewed journal article.
National Renewable Energy Laboratory