NOAA FishWatch Website Redesign

Project Brief
The Challenge
Keeping the marine environment healthy, fish populations thriving, and our seafood industry on the job is a vital mission for NOAA Fisheries. NOAA turned to ERG to make its FishWatch website more engaging and accessible, so that everyone—from chefs to consumers—could better understand the science and management behind U.S. seafood and make smart, sustainable seafood choices.
ERG's Solution
We performed a comprehensive usability study that explored who was using the site, whether they could they find what they wanted, and whether they enjoyed using the site. Based on this information, we completely overhauled FishWatch. This involved converting the site to the Drupal Web content management system platform; creating an entirely new look and feel with a mobile-first, responsive design; and simplifying the overall navigation and presentation of content.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration