Helping Massachusetts Expand Electric Vehicle Charging Station Infrastructure Through Grant Program

ERG is proud to be supporting the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection’s (MassDEP’s) Electric Vehicle Incentive Program, which delivers grant funding to businesses, schools, offices, and more to purchase and install electric vehicle charging stations. By increasing charging station infrastructure, the program makes electric vehicles a more accessible option for Massachusetts drivers. In collaboration with MassDEP, ERG helps to streamline the program’s application process from start to finish and evaluate projects in a timely manner. ERG reviews applications, confirms applicants’ eligibility for the program, ensures public parking access to the proposed charging stations, calculates award amounts, delivers approval documentation, and processes executing contracts that allow each grantee to move forward with their project. Throughout this process, ERG also supports applicants by communicating with them directly as questions arise or additional information is needed. Amidst different funding sources, legal changes, and updated energy efficiency standards for charging equipment, ERG efficiently delivers approval letters to get charging station installation projects underway. Through these efforts, ERG is pleased to help MassDEP provide more of the infrastructure drivers need to decrease their transportation-related carbon footprint.