Multimedia Environmental Compliance Assessment

Project Brief
The Challenge
Washington Headquarters Services is responsible for operating and maintaining several government administrative and industrial facilities in the national capital region, including the Pentagon. Achieving continuous compliance at the Pentagon can be challenging given the scale and complexity of the facility and the ever-evolving list of regulatory requirements affecting its operation. WHS turned to the compliance specialists at ERG for help.
ERG's Solution
ERG helped design and implement a comprehensive internal multimedia environmental compliance assessment program for WHS. The program ensures a consistent, systematic approach to achieving continuous compliance with all major environmental regulatory requirements in eight areas: air quality, water quality, hazardous materials, hazardous waste, National Environmental Policy Act compliance, environmental noise, tank and petroleum management, and cultural resources.
During the early stages of program implementation, ERG conducted the inaugural internal compliance assessment of the Pentagon. Our compliance specialists documented their findings and provided detailed feedback and recommendations to WHS facility and environmental managers. ERG then worked closely with WHS to improve compliance processes, procedures, and equipment at the Pentagon.
U.S. Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services