New Mexico Regulatory Development Support

Project Brief
The Challenge
The New Mexico Environment Department’s Air Quality Bureau is responsible for protecting the public health of New Mexicans and preserving the natural beauty of the state by preventing the deterioration of air quality from sources such as power plants, cement plants, and oil and gas exploration and production activities. New Mexico is currently the second highest oil-producing state in the United States, with over 600 million barrels produced in 2023. While providing an economic boost to the state, this activity has presented challenges to maintaining air quality throughout New Mexico, particularly with respect to elevated levels of ozone in areas of heavy oil and gas production.
ERG's Solution
ERG supported NMED in developing air quality regulations for oil and gas exploration and extraction to reduce emissions of ozone-forming pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOx). ERG reviewed federal and state regulations applicable to oil and gas sources emitting ozone precursors, including the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s New Source Performance Standards and oil and gas rules in Colorado, California, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Dakota. Based on this analysis, ERG assisted NMED in developing nation-leading regulations for high-emitting oil and gas VOC and NOx sources, including storage tanks, pneumatic devices, and compressor engines. ERG is also providing technical review and analysis of proposals from owners and operators to deploy cutting-edge technologies to identify leaks from well pads and compressor stations.
New Mexico Environment Department