Site-Specific Technical Support for Addressing Groundwater Contamination

Project Brief
The Challenge
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Remedial Project Managers at Superfund, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and other contaminated sites across the United States often require technical assistance to address site-specific issues with monitoring, site characterization, and remedial strategies. For nearly a decade, EPA’s Office of Research and Development has asked ERG experts to provide research support—often on a quick-turnaround basis—to help address a wide diversity of subsurface contamination issues to minimize risks to public health and the environment.
ERG's Solution
ERG experts have reviewed, evaluated, and assessed groundwater monitoring plans, remediation strategies, and modeling reports relevant to remediating contaminated sites. We have also analyzed data and reviewed technical documents associated with site characterization, remediation, and corrective action at dozens of Superfund and RCRA hazardous waste sites. For example, ERG reviewed the work plan for an innovative remedial treatment technology pilot study of PFAS-contaminated groundwater; developed preliminary analyses to predict the transport time and concentration of groundwater contaminants flowing to downgradient municipal wells; and reviewed a work plan for assessing the feasibility of employing in-situ enhanced bioremediation to accelerate the rate of contaminant degradation in groundwater. ERG also develops peer-reviewed publications with ORD to communicate cutting-edge solutions to a larger research audience. ERG’s support is part of ORD’s larger effort to support states and EPA Regions with complex, high-priority problems by leveraging innovative research.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency