ERG Helps EPA and DOJ Reduce Unlawful Air Pollution from Oil and Gas Wells in New Mexico

ERG provided the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Justice (DOJ) with analytical support to stop excess emissions from more than 230 oil and gas well pads owned and operated by Matador Production Company in New Mexico. ERG assisted with all aspects of the investigation, including identifying target facilities for inspections, reviewing data to determine potential areas of non-compliance with state and federal air regulations, and estimating emissions of harmful air pollutants from the company’s operations. The investigation resulted in equipment upgrades at all of the company’s facilities in New Mexico; implementation of additional environmental projects to further benefit New Mexico’s citizens; and direct reductions of more than 16,000 tons of pollutants—including nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, and carbon monoxide—and more than 31,000 tons of greenhouse gases. For more information, visit EPA’s webpage on the settlement.