Environmental and Climate Justice Solutions

ERG supports projects that promote safe and healthy places to live, work, and play for all people. We provide a wide range of services at federal, state, and local levels to help eradicate the unjust and disproportionate impact of environmental degradation on overburdened and underserved communities, including environmental justice, rural, tribal, fenceline, and low-income communities. We offer government agencies trusted support to explore and integrate environmental and climate justice approaches and solutions into their policies, rulemakings, permit reviews, enforcement, and program performance measurement through an equity lens. Our services include both outreach and analytic solutions. We bring analytic tools to assess impacts, including cumulative impacts, for these communities and respond concurrently to state and federal initiatives (e.g., Justice40, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Inflation Reduction Act, and Executive Orders 13895, 14001, and 12898, among others). At the state and local level, we work with communities to build trust and knowledge, elevate their voices, and engage meaningfully in public outreach and engagement processes. We provide facilitation, training, and outreach to promote information-sharing and collaborative problem-solving among all entities that play a role in addressing the nation’s environmental justice challenges.

Stakeholder Engagement and Outreach
  • Cultural competency review
  • Facilitation support
  • Translation services
  • Strategic planning
  • Training and capacity building
  • Support for virtual/hybrid/in-person public hearings and meetings
  • Social media engagement and marketing
Environmental and Public Health Analyses
  • Air quality monitoring and analysis
  • Drinking water sampling and analysis
  • Groundwater modeling, monitoring, and assessments
  • Mobile source emissions measurements
  • Community-based environmental sampling
  • Hazard analyses
  • Cumulative impact assessments
  • Vulnerable population assessments
  • Exposure analyses and investigations
  • Epidemiological studies
  • Risk communication
Climate Change Impact Disparities
  • Greenhouse gas inventories
  • Climate action plans to incorporate DEI solutions
  • Adaptation and resiliency planning for EJ communities
Economic and Social Impact Analyses
  • Demographic and socioeconomic analyses
  • Vulnerability assessments
  • Hazard mitigation planning
  • Community resilience studies
  • Performance measurement
  • Cost-benefit analyses
  • Justice 40 analyses
  • Surveys
Air Quality Assessments
  • Fenceline monitoring data collection and analysis
  • Emissions inventories
  • Ambient monitoring analysis
  • Site-specific emissions investigations
  • Exposure and risk evaluations
  • Control technology assessments
  • Compliance investigations
Water Infrastructure Management
  • Water pollution evaluation and control
  • Inspection support and training
  • Sampling and analysis
  • Environmental impacts analysis
  • Regulatory development
  • National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit development
  • Compliance and enforcement
  • Funding and financial analyses
Digital Solutions
  • Comprehensive data management support
  • Demographic analysis
  • Decision support tools
  • Geospatial analyses
  • Mapping and screening tools
  • Data visualization
  • Electronic reporting support
Grant Support
  • Outreach to tribal, EJ, and rural communities
  • Technical assistance and support
  • Helpline support
  • Tools to assist federal agencies in targeting support to communities with EJ concerns
  • Tools to assist communities with EJ concerns in implementing federal grants
  • Case studies
Regulatory Support
  • Permitting
  • Preparation of public dockets
  • Evaluation of public comments
  • Compliance assistance
  • National Environmental Policy Act compliance analyses
  • Enforcement


Photo of DART (Data Acquisition in Real Time), a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate mobile monitoring system
ERG-DART Innovative Mobile VOC Monitoring System

Developed by ERG for use on EPA and other client projects

Image of bulldozer and excavating equipment near a neighborhood
Researching Social Impacts of Brownfield Redevelopment on Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Three slides from the fotonovela "INVENTARIO DE EMISIONES TÓXICAS DE LA EPA (TRI): La Familia Díaz se Entera que Tiene Derecho a Saber Acerca de las Sustancias Tóxicas en Su Barrio." The slides show a family talking to each other while hanging out at a local playground near an industrial facility.
Raising Awareness of Toxic Chemicals in Environmental Justice Communities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of scrap cars awaiting recycling
Helping Border Communities Manage Scrap Vehicles

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Presentation slide: Building a Circular Economy for All: Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback May 2022
Support for Design of EPA Solid Waste and Recycling Grant Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of webpage showing pollution prevention environmental justice facility mapping tool
Targeting Grant Efforts to Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

report cover for 2022 Massachusetts Climate Change Assessment
Stakeholder Engagement Support for the 2022 Massachusetts Climate Change Assessment

Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Community Health Initiative infographic
Pro Bono Support for an Environmental Justice Community Health Initiative

Endowment for Health

photo of cityscape at sun set
Massachusetts Cumulative Impacts Assessment Support

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

EJ and Civil rights in the Permitting Process screenshot
Development of e-Learning Course for EPA Permit Writers and Reviewers

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

arial view of water and wastewater infrastructure
Technical Assistance to Help Communities Access Water Infrastructure Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of the EJSCREEN tool, with side-by-side maps of the same place; one highlights proximity and volume, the other highlights percent ratio of income to poverty level under 2.0
Improving EJSCREEN: A Tool for Advancing Environmental Justice

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of children outside a school bus door. Flyer of the EPA Clean School Bus Program
Support to EPA’s Clean School Bus Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of Port in Wilmington Delaware with a cargo ship at unloading crane
Developing an Environmental Justice-Focused Community Action Roadmap to Engage the Port of Wilmington, Delaware

Delaware Community Benefits Agreement Coalition

photo of a NYC Street with tall buildings and trees in the forefront
Integrating Environmental Justice into New York’s Groundbreaking Clean Transportation Prizes Program

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

Photo of a classroom setting of adults
Facilitating Community-Driven Solutions to Climate Change in Alameda, California

City of Alameda

Remote monitoring equipment deployed by ERG near a local elementary school to assess potential exposure
Addressing Community-Level Air Toxics in a Louisiana Parish

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of homes and nearby oil tanks
Environmental Justice at the Fenceline: Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants at Petroleum Refineries

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of flood water in the Cedar River running through Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Increasing Community Resilience to Climate Crises

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Photo of houses in Barrow, Alaska and a signpost pointing to far-away places
Saving Lives and Infrastructure in Western Alaska Native Villages

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service

Photo from above looking down onto a street in downtown Paterson, New Jersey
Collecting Data on Air Toxins in Paterson, New Jersey

Rutgers University

Photo showing colorful new homes in Raleigh, North Carolina
Developing Climate Justice Solutions in Raleigh, North Carolina

City of Raleigh

Photo of a water treatment plant under a blue sky
Developing Guidance to Help Communities Advocate for Drinking Water Equity

River Network

Aerial photo of Winnebago, Nebraska, home to the tribal council offices of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Improving Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems in Tribal and Small Communities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Service Area Leads

Shanika Amarakoon

My lived experience as an immigrant raised in a rural community showed me the importance of engaging disparate voices in developing sustainable solutions to address our most pressing environmental challenges. Now, as an environmental engineer and policy analyst, I am grateful that I can apply my experience to support a broad range of meaningful work, including advancing a circular economy, supporting a just transition, and leading ERG’s environmental and climate justice solutions practice.

Shanika Amarakoon

photo of Sinead Keogh

It is more important than ever to ensure that all people have a healthy environment in which to live, work, and play. I strive to address health inequities through environmental health science and community partnerships.

Sinead Keogh

Sandeep Kishan

I have dedicated my career to reducing the energy and emission footprint of vehicle travel, a major source of air pollution worldwide. Thanks to inspiration from great mentors and clients, I had the opportunity to build and manage what has become a world-class team of mobile sources experts who relish the challenge of tackling complex problems. Disadvantaged communities experience a disproportional impact from vehicle-related air pollution, and I am gratified beyond measure that our work has helped improve air quality, not only across the United States but also in other countries around the world, where we have facilitated development of customized solutions based on local conditions.

Sandeep Kishan

Jennifer Lam

The most rewarding part of my work is being able to help our clients and communities from behind the scenes, reflect on their impact, and find ways to become more effective and accessible in improving community conditions for all.

Jennifer Lam

Lindy Lowe

My favorite problems are the difficult ones—those sticky, multi-jurisdictional, multi-sector problems that require us to find new partners, develop new frameworks for working together, and be brave, humble, and kind. I love building frameworks that enable the person with the least amount of power and the person with the most amount of power to share their perspectives and contribute to solutions. Whatever the issue, my goals are to develop transparent, equitable, and effective solutions and to have fun along the way!

Lindy Lowe

Regi Oommen

As a kid, I loved baseball, especially the statistics and data behind it. I would go through box scores in the paper the next day to keep track of my favorite team and players, logging the information into my Commodore 64. I enjoyed exploring the data and looking for trends. Working at ERG on a variety of emission inventory, ambient monitoring, and air quality modeling projects has allowed me to continue my passion for analyzing big data sets. And now I get to tell the story behind the data too.

Regi Oommen

Diana Pietri

Designing equitable solutions for sustainable environmental conservation and management efforts is a constantly challenging, rewarding endeavor. I love collaborating closely with our clients to develop strategies that promote environmental and climate resilience and justice—including evaluating environmental program effectiveness and identifying innovative best practices for coastal and ocean planning.

Diana Pietri

photo of Andrew Stoeckle

I love figuring how to take what is often a firehose flow of complex environmental data and make it simpler and easy to understand. And that’s a pretty good metaphor for our team: we are technologically sophisticated, creative, and easy to work with.

Andrew Stoeckle

Scott Warner

The most rewarding aspect of my career at ERG has been the opportunity to work each day with colleagues and clients who share a commitment to a clean energy future.

Scott Warner

John Wilhelmi

Clean air, safe workplaces, a stable climate for generations to follow—these are just some of the ideals that motivate my daily work. I strive to bring the best available science to our nation’s current and emerging environmental health and occupational safety issues.

John Wilhelmi