Grant Program Support

ERG has provided multifaceted support to grant programs for almost 30 years. During that time, we have helped organizations create, launch, administer, and evaluate dozens of grant programs, including programs focused on community engagement and environmental justice concerns. Our clients include the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, state agencies, foundations, and nonprofits. We tailor our approach to the project needs and offer innovative ideas and solutions to foster program success. During development, we provide strategic planning support to help decisionmakers structure new grant programs consistent with statutory requirements and organizational goals. We also research potential applicants and implement effective strategies to engage them—including listening sessions to obtain stakeholder and partner feedback about program design. As the grant program produces a request for proposals and accepts and evaluates applications, we help develop the needed materials and keep information organized and flowing throughout the review process. Following grants award, our specialists provide technical assistance to help grantees effectively carry out their grants, and we collect and review data documenting performance, publicize success stories and lessons learned, and develop accomplishments reports. From start to finish, ERG’s IT experts are available to support clients, applicants, and grantees by developing technology tools tailored to the program’s specific needs for applications, awards, and ongoing processes.

Program Design
  • Strategic planning
  • Feasibility and needs assessments
  • Landscape assessments
  • Workgroup support
  • Stakeholder and partner feedback sessions
  • Requests for information and request for proposal development
  • Prioritization support
Administrative Support
  • Application form and template design
  • Due diligence
  • Peer and committee review management
  • Pre-award application tracking
  • Metrics dashboards
  • Briefing support
Outreach and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Helpline support
  • Grantee technical assistance
  • Applicant and informational webinars
  • Listserv messages
  • FAQ documents
  • Web pages
  • Outreach flyers
  • Success stories and lessons learned
  • Case studies
Performance Measurement
  • Metrics development
  • Reporting form design
  • Information collection request (ICR) support
  • Program accomplishments reports
  • Grant program evaluation
Information Technology Support
  • System integration support to ensure applications share data with each other and reuse existing components from other systems when available
  • Database design
  • Mapping of facilities with environmental justice concerns
  • Calculators and tools
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ERG/PG team site visit photo in grassy field with mountains in the distant background
Evaluation of the National Coastal Resilience Fund and Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

photo of coastline where tests are being conducted
Economic Benefits of NOAA Resilience Grants

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Photo of person sitting in front of a computer with a phone headset
Expanding EPA’s P2 Hub Helpline to Support P2 Grantees

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Presentation slide: Building a Circular Economy for All: Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback May 2022
Support for Design of EPA Solid Waste and Recycling Grant Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of webpage showing pollution prevention environmental justice facility mapping tool
Targeting Grant Efforts to Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a person wearing firefighting gear speaking into a handheld radio
Estimating the Economic Impact of NIST Grant Investments in Developing the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network

National Institute of Science and Technology

Support for EPA’s Community Grants Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of children outside a school bus door. Flyer of the EPA Clean School Bus Program
Support to EPA’s Clean School Bus Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a persona plugging in their electric vehicle
Support for the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Photo of a line of school buses
Full-Spectrum Grant Administration Support for the MassCleanDiesel Program

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

photo of fish in water surrounded by seaweed
Capacity-Building and Grants Administration for California Marine Protected Area Collaboratives

California Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Quest

EPA webpage showing the DERA Helpline
Grant Helpline Support for EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of screenshot for Contracts Management Database
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Management Database

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission

Photo of map of the United States with dots to indicate emphasis areas for state pollution grants
Analyses to Assist EPA in Selecting New National Emphasis Areas for State Pollution Prevention Grants

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Service Area Leads

Shanika Amarakoon

My lived experience growing up in a rural community showed me the importance of engaging disparate voices in developing sustainable solutions to address our most pressing environmental challenges. Now, as an environmental engineer and policy analyst, I am grateful that I can apply my experience to support a broad range of meaningful work, including advancing a circular economy, supporting a just transition, and leading ERG’s environmental and climate justice solutions practice.

Shanika Amarakoon

Monika Chandra

I am inspired every day by my work with clients and colleagues dedicated to improving our environment—and by our shared goal of developing superior, technically sound solutions to some of our nation’s most challenging environmental issues.

Monika Chandra

Photo of Craig Cheney

After 30 years of consulting to federal agencies and departments I care passionately about, I have come to appreciate how important new data and application-sharing tools are to achieving environmental and energy goals. I am grateful that, as this stage of my career, I can bring a highly diverse combination of insights, perspectives, and skill sets to help my clients achieve their goals.

Craig Cheney

Photo of Janet Cherry

I believe that everyone is entitled to safe, reliable, and affordable drinking water.

Janet Cherry

Carolyn Gillette

I have dedicated my career to helping clients develop practical, incremental solutions to environmental challenges that can sometimes feel overwhelming. It is a privilege to work with colleagues and clients who are devoted to building a better world, on the foundations of science, information, and communication.

Carolyn Gillette

Photo of Laura Harwood

ERG’s commitment to respect, kindness, and compassion has given me an incredible foundation to serve our clients and help preserve the environment to the best of my abilities.

Laura Harwood

Photo of Linda Hills

As an environmental engineer living in Montana, I’m keenly aware of the value of preserving our nation’s natural resources and of my own part in helping to prevent the degradation of these irreplaceable assets. I work to ensure that wastewater is managed properly and that the water we drink is clean now and into the future.

Linda Hills

Jennifer Lam

The most rewarding part of my work is being able to help our clients and communities from behind the scenes, reflect on their impact, and find ways to become more effective and accessible in improving community conditions for all.

Jennifer Lam

Photo of Lee Ann Lawrence

The favorite part of my work? Tackling difficult problems by finding novel ways to protect the environment and support regulatory programs in serving the public good.

Lee Ann Lawrence

Photo of Susan McClutchey

I came to ERG an optimist with a thirst for learning, collaboration, and problem solving. Reflecting on my years with ERG, while progress may be incremental, I have found that the benefits of our work are irrefutable. My optimism for the future remains intact and stems from having colleagues and clients who are relentlessly dedicated to improving the world for every person in it.

Susan McClutchey

Photo of Joy Onasch

I am driven to apply pragmatic, preventive approaches to preserve and protect our environment for the next generation. I enjoy seeing project results that lead to improved worker health and safety and a cleaner environment.

Joy Onasch

Photo of Adam Orndorff

I am passionate about improving water quality throughout the U.S. and providing communities with the resources they need to experience safe and reliable drinking water and wastewater systems.

Adam Orndorff

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