Strategic Communications
You need to reach out/communicate/engage. But with audiences fragmenting and strategies, technologies, and media proliferating, getting it right can require a dizzying array of skills.
ERG’s award-winning communication specialists have the diverse skills to help.
We’re digital strategists, social marketers, media mavens, wordsmiths, visual artists, web designers, videographers, instructional designers, facilitators, meeting planners, and so much more.
We love what we do: crafting compelling messages and brands; transforming content into vital, engaging products; creating campaigns to catalyze change; building partnerships to improve health, safety, and the environment; and designing meetings that work and solutions that last.
We thrive on synergy, working collaboratively to find just the right approach for each project. We can’t wait to help with yours.
Outreach and Social Marketing
- Audience research
- Digital media strategies
- Message development/testing
- Product development/testing
- Campaign design/implementation
- Viral marketing
- Media outreach
- Evaluation
Graphic and Web Design
- Identity/branding
- Data visualization
- Website design, development, and content management
- App development
- Video production
- Print design and production
Meetings and Facilitation
- Meeting/event management
- Stakeholder process design
- Facilitation
- Peer review services
Education and Training
- E-learning
- Classroom instruction
- K–12 educational programs
- Training videos
- Instructional materials
Partnership Programs
- Design and recruitment
- Partner relations and incentives
- Management and monitoring
- Program evaluation
Technical and Scientific Communications
- Content research
- Technical writing and editing
- Adapting complex content for diverse audiences
- Synthesis of multi-authored documents
Massachusetts Environmental Justice Council Support
Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs
Development of Outreach Materials for EPA’s Clean School Bus Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Support for the New York State Climate Impacts Assessment
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Support for Workplace Safety and Health Programs
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Support for Reducing Methane Emissions from the Oil and Natural Gas Industry
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Helping Border Communities Manage Scrap Vehicles
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Recycle Smart MA
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Creating EPA's Green Infrastructure Wizard (GIWiz)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Reducing Stigma Around Opioid Substance Abuse
Fairfax County, Virginia
Digital Marketing Campaign to Slow the Spread of COVID-19
Fairfax County, Virginia
Support for “Carbon-Free Fairfax” Outreach Initiative
Fairfax County, Virginia
Pro Bono Support for an Environmental Justice Community Health Initiative
Endowment for Health
Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Services
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Stormwater Program Support
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Development of EPA’s “How’s My Waterway?” Application
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Improving Employee Health and Wellness
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Developing a Workplace Stress Toolkit
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Helping EPA Reduce Landfill Methane Emissions
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Developing an Environmental Justice-Focused Community Action Roadmap to Engage the Port of Wilmington, Delaware
Delaware Community Benefits Agreement Coalition
RECs: Making Green Power Possible
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Full-Spectrum Grant Administration Support for the MassCleanDiesel Program
Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
Grant Helpline Support for EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Development of EPA Construction Inspection Training Course
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Integrating Environmental Justice into New York’s Groundbreaking Clean Transportation Prizes Program
New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Helping Green Freight Programs Succeed at Home and Abroad
International Council on Clean Transportation, Natural Resources Canada, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Improving the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Saving Lives and Infrastructure in Western Alaska Native Villages
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service
Developing Guidance to Help Communities Advocate for Drinking Water Equity
River Network
EPA's Report on the Environment
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Saving Water Through WaterSense
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Climate Indicators Report
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Visualizing the Dangers of Storm Surge
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Flash Flood Summit and Stakeholder Engagement
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Promoting Hospital Worker Safety
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
NOAA FishWatch Website Redesign
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Keeping EPA Employees Safe and Healthy at Work
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Support for EPA's Global Methane Initiative
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Digital Transformation of EPA's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Ocean Planning in the Northeast
Northeast Regional Ocean Council
Sharing Proven Strategies for Energy Efficiency Programs
U.S. Department of Energy
Supporting Sustainable Best Practices at EPA Facilities
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Support for the Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Service Area Leads
I find it motivating to be working at a time of both genuine need for better understanding human impacts on the environment and the emergence of tools and technologies that allow us to process data and understand the world like never before. I’m always excited to learn new skills and better ways to address complex problems.
Laboratories are some of the most energy- and carbon-intensive facilities in the built environment. Working together, lab owners, managers, users, designers, engineers, and builders are coming up with creative solutions to decarbonize the world’s labs. It’s my job to give a voice to their ideas and help reduce the impact of the research enterprise on the environment and our climate.
As an instructional design expert, I create trainings that help learners problem-solve, plan, and most importantly, get things done. A well-conceived and well-constructed training provides a foundation for individual growth and serves as a key contributor to organizational change.
I feel profoundly fortunate to have been with ERG throughout our journey from a handful of employees in 1984 to several hundred today. I couldn’t be more proud of the work we’ve done these past 30+ years or more inspired to work every day with such great colleagues and clients. My work is just as fulfilling and vibrant to me now as the day I started.
George Bernard Shaw once said, ‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.’ Given the environmental and public health issues we face today, we ignore this illusion at our peril. My work is to help scientists and policy makers understand, engage, and inform their audiences. ERG’s clients know that if they hand me some dingy prose, I can make it sparkle. If they tell me whom they hope to reach and why, I can craft a strategy to cut through the noise. For me, making science engaging and accessible is a skill, an art, and a calling.
While teaching children early in my career, I learned that people are much more likely to support something they have helped create. Ever since, when supporting organizational decision-making processes, I’ve been passionate about involving those who will be affected by the resulting decisions and actions because it yields more robust and sustainable results. I love working collaboratively with colleagues, clients, stakeholders, and the public to continue progress toward ensuring a healthy world for generations to come.
At ERG, I thrive on learning something new, meeting someone interesting, and contributing solutions that address transportation’s impact on climate change and vice versa. Whether working in the local, state, federal, or international arena, I enjoy collaborating across and beyond ERG to find creative ways to communicate information, engage audiences, and engineer solutions in service of our clients and their goals.
My work is all about continual improvement. Whether it’s tackling emerging challenges in our environment, setting and working toward incremental sustainability goals, or designing information products that reach new audiences in innovative ways, I enjoy opportunities to raise awareness, raise the discourse, and help our clients improve human well-being and the health of our planet.
Planning a meeting is a bit like flying a plane: When the weather is good, all the instruments are up and running, and everything is going as planned, just about anyone can do it. But when something goes wrong, you really want a trained pilot—someone who thinks outside the box, and problem solves on the fly. Me? I pilot meetings.
We learn near our highest potential when we immerse ourselves outside our comfort zone, get lost, fall down, and persevere until our experience outweighs self-doubt.
I appreciate coming to work each day knowing my contributions are making a tangible difference in my community and across the United States. From helping community groups amplify their voices to developing digital tools and products, I love diving into the details to tell a meaningful story.
I feel so fortunate! Every day at ERG I get to collaborate with colleagues and clients from a wide range of disciplines in doing truly meaningful work that helps foster positive change.