
PFAS sign
PFAS Sampling and Data Analysis in National Parks Across the United States

National Park Service

image of factory stacks showing air emissions
Title V Air Program Support

Undisclosed federal client

satellite image of Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community (SRPMIC)
Development of a Priority Climate Action Plan under EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant Program

Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Modeling Greenhouse Gas Emissions for U.S. Economic Sectors

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

ERG/PG team site visit photo in grassy field with mountains in the distant background
Evaluation of the National Coastal Resilience Fund and Hurricane Sandy Coastal Resiliency Program

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

diagram of waste water flow from community to waste water treatment plant out to local waterway
Life Cycle Assessment of Wastewater Treatment Upgrade Options to Improve Nutrient Removal

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of coastline where tests are being conducted
Economic Benefits of NOAA Resilience Grants

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Serum for PFAS analysis being pipetted into a small labeled cryovial
Nationwide PFAS Exposure Assessment

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

photo of 18-wheeler truck with air monitoring equipment on the ground next to it.
Emissions Inventory Support to Help Characterize Mexican Sources Affecting Imperial County Air Quality

California Air Resources Board

photo of a small fishing boat on freshwater body of water
PFAS Levels in Freshwater Fish

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

University Campus Central Plant Expansion Support

Undisclosed university

Serum for PFAS analysis being pipetted into a small labeled cryovial
Nationwide PFAS Exposure Assessment

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Photo of DART (Data Acquisition in Real Time), a low-cost, portable, and easy-to-operate mobile monitoring system
ERG-DART Innovative Mobile VOC Monitoring System

Developed by ERG for use on EPA and other client projects

Along the coast, water flows from a pipe into ocean water breaking against a natural rockwall
NPDES Permit Writing Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of coral on the ocean floor
Development of Field Data Collection Application for the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A gloved hand holds a live spotted fish caught from a stream in the background
Measuring the Health of the Nation’s Surface Waters

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of people padding on a river at the base of tree covered mountain
Support for Bureau of Land Management Assessment, Inventory, and Monitoring

Bureau of Land Management

still looking stream at the base of rock and green forest
Support for Development of Stream Duration Assessment Methods

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of people standing around someone speaking outdoors
Accelerating the Pace and Scale of Nature-Based Solutions for Climate

The Nature Conservancy

photo of a patient hand with and IV
Assessing the Value of a Medicare Demonstration Program

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

diagram of an emissions monitoring system
University Emissions Monitoring System Evaluation and Commissioning

Undisclosed university

Photo of people waiting in line to meet with a health care worker
Pilot Public Health Projects with Community-Based Organizations

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

photo of children
PFAS Multi-Site Health Study

Silent Spring Institute

Image of bulldozer and excavating equipment near a neighborhood
Researching Social Impacts of Brownfield Redevelopment on Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of person sitting in front of a computer with a phone headset
Expanding EPA’s P2 Hub Helpline to Support P2 Grantees

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of chemical plant from a distance
Support for Existing Chemical Risk Evaluations

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

worker in a sea of blue chemical storage barrels
Support for New Chemical Premanufacturing Notice Reviews

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

cover page for TRI National Analysis publication
Toxics Release Inventory National Analysis

photo of stacked storage barrels in a warehouse
Economics Analysis of Reporting Requirements Under the Toxic Substances Control Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

server showing data movement between systems
Support for EPA’s Chemical Data Reporting Public Database

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Data Element Development for Proposed Tiered Data Reporting Rule

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

graphic shows map of the United States all in blue with white pin points indicating chemical manufacturing data
Chemical Data Reporting National Review

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

screenshot of "Welcome to Toxics Release Inventory Training, Basic Concepts Webinar" presentation
Toxics Release Inventory Training for Reporting Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Three slides from the fotonovela "INVENTARIO DE EMISIONES TÓXICAS DE LA EPA (TRI): La Familia Díaz se Entera que Tiene Derecho a Saber Acerca de las Sustancias Tóxicas en Su Barrio." The slides show a family talking to each other while hanging out at a local playground near an industrial facility.
Raising Awareness of Toxic Chemicals in Environmental Justice Communities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of many OECD member country flags on the face of a building
Analysis of International Toxics Inventories

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo a battery pack engulfed in flames
Managing the Risks Posed by Contaminants of Concern Associated with Hazardous Waste Management

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of scrap cars awaiting recycling
Helping Border Communities Manage Scrap Vehicles

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a review booklet cover, EPA, Enhanced Aquifer Recharge of Stormwater in the United States: State of the Science Review
Enhanced Aquifer Recharge of Stormwater: State of the Science Review

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a molten metal pouring from a smelter
Groundwater Contamination at Smelter Sites

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of people in yellow protection suits over contamination barrels
Site-Specific Technical Support for Addressing Groundwater Contamination

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of hazardous waste barrels, containers, and old tires
Ensuring RCRA Compliance at Industrial and Disposal Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of smoke stacks at coal combustion residual facility
Data Analyses and Inspections of Coal Combustion Residual Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of a dump truck hauling gravel through a quarry
Support for Addressing Environmental Impacts of Mining and Mineral Processing Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of children picking up plastic trash on a beach
Support for EPA’s Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of 3 people looking at the computer screen
Green Electronics Benefits Calculator

Global Electronics Council

US EPA page topic of US Environmentally-Extended Input-Output (USEEIO) Models
Including Environmental Metrics in the USEEIO Model for Sector and Commodity Assessment

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of food waste
Sustainability Assessment of Food Waste Management Options

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Large stacked bales of compacted trash
MSW Characterization

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

REI Chart
Recycling Economic Information Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Presentation slide: Building a Circular Economy for All: Stakeholder Engagement and Feedback May 2022
Support for Design of EPA Solid Waste and Recycling Grant Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of webpage showing pollution prevention environmental justice facility mapping tool
Targeting Grant Efforts to Communities with Environmental Justice Concerns

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of bicycles parked outside an office building
University Campus Sustainability Plan

Medium-sized public university

Digital ad photo for Recycle Smart showing a woman thinking about whether a pizza box is recyclable. Use the Recyclopedia to check what you can and can't recycle.
Recycle Smart MA

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

bar chart showing landfill emissions from 1990-2020
Understanding Methane Emissions from U.S. Food Waste

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of a pile of broken concrete slabs
Tracking Material and Waste Flows Through the Economy

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Graph image of EPA's Waste Food Scale
Using Life Cycle and Circularity Assessments to Understand Environmental Impacts of U.S. Food Waste Management

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

4 photos showing discarded food
Updating EPA’s Wasted Food Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

storage tanks
University Air and Tank Compliance Support

Undisclosed university

photo of a refrigerant container
University Refrigerant Management Plan

Undisclosed university

Three cylindrical power transformers suspended atop a utility pole
Economic Analysis to Support Final PCB Phase-Out

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a person wearing firefighting gear speaking into a handheld radio
Estimating the Economic Impact of NIST Grant Investments in Developing the Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network

National Institute of Science and Technology

Photo of signage for Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge
Superstorm Sandy Choice Experiment Valuation Survey

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

photo of water treatment facility tank
Survey to Support National Study of Nutrient Removal and Secondary Technologies

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of Cannon Beach shore, OR
Market Analysis for Oregon’s Ocean Resources and Blue Economy Sector

Oregon Business Development Department

Photo of a native bird flying over ocean of Hawaii and across the Pacific region.
Strategic Business Plan Update

Pacific Rim Conservation

GHG inventory graph
University GHG Inventory Development, Analysis, and Modeling

Undisclosed university

photo of water sampling workers
Support for PFAS Enforcement and Compliance Across Multiple Statutes

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of emission inspection on tailpipe of an automobile
Texas Inspection and Maintenance Fee Survey

Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Support for EPA’s Community Grants Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

A colorful variety of different packaging types, including cans, glass jars, plastic bottles, and cardboard
Life Cycle Assessments of Innovative Packaging Products

Packaging companies

photo of magnified COVID-19 cell
Wastewater COVID-19 Surveillance to Prevent Outbreaks

New Mexico Environment Department

Photo of a shower head spraying water
Shower and Household Water-Use Exposure (SHOWER) Model

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Photo of block island wind farm
Support for New York State Review of Mitigation Plans in Offshore Wind Proposals

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

photo of person taking notes next to water pipe infrustructure system
New Mexico Environment Department Engineering Support

New Mexico Environment Department

Photo of a US EPA Research boat on a trailer under a shaded area
Laboratory Resilience Assessments

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of dark smoke from burning wastes
Support for Explosives Waste Disposal by Contained Burn at Indian Head Naval Base

U.S. Department of Defense

report cover for 2022 Massachusetts Climate Change Assessment
Stakeholder Engagement Support for the 2022 Massachusetts Climate Change Assessment

Massachusetts Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

photo of stream-like contaminated transboundary water flower of untreated wastewater
Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for a Suite of Projects to Mitigate Contaminated Transboundary Flows at the U.S.-Mexico Border

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a diesel engine ship anchored in a port
Development of EPA Shore Power Air Quality Analysis Tool

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of  Pentagon building in the light of the setting sun
Multimedia Environmental Compliance Assessment

U.S. Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services

Photo of a worker in protective gear using a paint sprayer on an automobile
Air Quality Permitting and Emission Control Training Courses

Multi-jurisdictional air quality organizations and state, local, and tribal agencies

Photo of stormwater discharge
Stormwater Compliance Assistance

Multiple Federal Agencies

Photo of stainless steel pumps at a manufacturing facility
Designing and Commissioning a State-of-the-Art Chemical Manufacturing Facility

U.S. Navy

Large Navy battleship sitting dockside in water below a blue sky
Realigning Operations, Protecting Military Capability

U.S. Department of Defense

PFAS Information for Clinicians Newly Updated
PFAS Information for Clinicians

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

Screenshot of EPA's Green Infrastructure Wizard home page showing its "Quick Links" and "Explore" icons
Creating EPA's Green Infrastructure Wizard (GIWiz)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Stop the Stigma; Opioid Addiction is Treatable photo
Reducing Stigma Around Opioid Substance Abuse

Fairfax County, Virginia

Screenshots from a fovonovela titled "COVID-19 Precauciones: Cuando Comparta Su Hogar con Otros," along with graphics for websites linking to the fotonovela.
Digital Marketing Campaign to Slow the Spread of COVID-19

Fairfax County, Virginia

Photo shows an ariel view of people observing small wastewater and drinking water system
Helping Small Communities Improve Their SDWA and CWA Compliance

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

screen shot of animated video ERG developed promoting the benefits of electric vehicles
Support for “Carbon-Free Fairfax” Outreach Initiative

Fairfax County, Virginia

photo of body of water amongst a forest
Protecting Our Nation’s Drinking Water Sources

American Water Works Association

photo of an offshore wind emission rig
Offshore Wind Emission Estimation Tool

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Community Health Initiative infographic
Pro Bono Support for an Environmental Justice Community Health Initiative

Endowment for Health

photo of handshake
Environmental Collaboration and Conflict Resolution Services

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of cityscape at sun set
Massachusetts Cumulative Impacts Assessment Support

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

EJ and Civil rights in the Permitting Process screenshot
Development of e-Learning Course for EPA Permit Writers and Reviewers

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of small body of water amidst a forest
Protecting Our Nation’s Drinking Water Sources

American Water Works Association

photo of school bus with pin points on a map
School Bus Electrification Roadmap and Guidebook for New York State

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

screenshot image of training presentation from Environmental Justic and social Determinants of Health
Environmental Health Equity Training

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

diagram of impact of COVID-19 on Domestic Violence
PHIT Violence Report

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

photo of old, corroding, lead pipes
Helping Drinking Water Systems Replace Lead Service Lines

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of an SPod which measure total volatile organic compound (TVOC) emissions from the facility, as well as meteorological conditions
Support for EPA Investigation of a Clean Air Act Violation

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Analyzing Emerging Compounds: Ethylene Oxide

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of packaged pills
Survey of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, Processors, and Packagers

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Photo of a street curb showing water runoff
Stormwater Program Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of "How's My Waterway?" application page, highlighting Daily Cyanobacteria Estimates
Development of EPA’s “How’s My Waterway?” Application

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of wastewater drainage pipes stacked at construction site
Development of Screening-Level Tools to Streamline Wastewater Treatment Technology Cost Analyses

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

arial view of water and wastewater infrastructure
Technical Assistance to Help Communities Access Water Infrastructure Programs

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of molecular structure
Estimating the Market Demand for Personal Chemical Monitoring Devices

Environmental Defense Fund

Photo of algae blooms on a body of water
Using Innovations to Reduce Nutrients from Municipal Wastewater Discharges

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of river with water discharging into it.
Reducing Wastewater Discharge of PFAS and Other Emerging Contaminants

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

graphic showing Economic Valuation Decision Tree
Assessing the Value and Economic Impacts of Coastal Engagement and Resilience Projects

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant

Cyanobacteria in a body of water
Support for Cyanotoxin Monitoring and Management Strategies

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Photo of U.S. Navy military helicopter in the sky
Environmental Assessment for Relocation of the U.S. Navy’s Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense Division

U.S. Department of Defense

wastewater monitoring tanks
Monitoring Wastewater for Opioid and Other Drug Use

Water Research Foundation

Photo of uncovered underground water infrastructure during construction
Streamlined NEPA Implementation for EPA’s Community Grants Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo showing two rows of solar panels in a grassy field
Quick-Response Environmental Assessment for the NIH Animal Center Compressed Natural Gas and Expanded Photovoltaic System

National Institutes of Health

Screenshot of graph showing EPA's Annual Energy Intensity Reductions
Support for Meeting Safety, Sustainability, and Climate Resiliency Executive Order Requirements

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Large water tank
Environmental Impact Statement for Chilled Water System Improvements at National Institutes of Health Campus

National Institutes of Health

Photo of NIST Campus in distance looking past ornamental trees and green grass
Environmental Assessments for National Institute of Standards and Technology Campus Master Plans

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Support for FBI National Environmental Policy Act Implementation Regulations

Federal Bureau of Investigation

screenshot of EPA's Green Power Partnership webpage showing the diagram of the Physical Power Purchase Agreement
Helping Organizations Purchase Green Power

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of ECHO's Facility Search Results webpage
Supporting EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a busy airport terminal with directional signs to the gates
Capturing Airport Lessons Learned from COVID-19

Airport Cooperative Research Program

Image of the ENERGY STAR Scope 3 Use of Sold Products Analysis Tool
Development of the ENERGY STAR Scope 3 Use of Sold Products Analysis Tool

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of the EJSCREEN tool, with side-by-side maps of the same place; one highlights proximity and volume, the other highlights percent ratio of income to poverty level under 2.0
Improving EJSCREEN: A Tool for Advancing Environmental Justice

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of children outside a school bus door. Flyer of the EPA Clean School Bus Program
Support to EPA’s Clean School Bus Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of diversified team of people around a table in an office setting
Development of a Roadmap for Equity-Centered Data Strategic Planning

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Photo of a river viewed from a distance with a lighted roadway bridge passing over it.
Comprehensive Update of Massachusetts “State Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan”

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Photo of a diesel powered tractor grading a field
Statewide Nonroad Diesel Equipment Emissions Inventory

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Three EPA employees waiting to get their blood pressure checked on the “Wellness on Wheels” Health Clinic Van, provided by Doctors Community Hospital
Improving Employee Health and Wellness

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a persona plugging in their electric vehicle
Support for the Massachusetts Electric Vehicle Incentive Program

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Photo of children outside a school bus
Assisting Massachusetts with Electric School Bus Deployment

Massachusetts Clean Energy Center

Photo of a flare stack from a refining facility
Addressing Imminent and Substantial Endangerment under the Clean Air Act

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Graphic showing 3 post-it notes that read. DEI Principles and Vocabulary, Applying DEI Principles, and Envisioning a DEI
Workshops for Organizational Integration of DEI Principles and Practice

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of Clinical Trial use medication and syringe laying on top of a medical form
Evaluating the Potential Impacts of Different Clinical Trial Strategies on Drug, Preventive Vaccine, and Therapeutic Complex Medical Device Development

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Photo of a robotic hand
Modeling the Cost of Developing a Complex Therapeutic Medical Device for the U.S. Market

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Photo of cars on a highway with a graphic of numbers running along-side which is vehicle trip data—known as “telematics”
Harnessing Telematics Data to Improve Environmental Decision-Making

Coordinating Research Council

Photo of a person sitting at a table with paperwork, holding her glasses in one hand while the other is pinching the bridge of nose as if they have a headache
Developing a Workplace Stress Toolkit

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Crane operator cab, with one man inside and two others standing right outside, as part of an in-use emissions and activity measurement study
Bringing Real-World Vehicle Emissions Data into Emissions Models for Cleaner Air

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

satellite photo of coastline of Louisiana and Texas pinpointing platform and non-platform NOx Emissions offshore from 2017
Offshore Oil and Gas Production Emissions Inventories

Bureau of Ocean Energy Management

Workers wearing full protective gear while processing chicken in a food processing facility
COVID-19 Food Facility Assessment Survey Tool

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Photo of a tall city building at night during a blackout with only the street traffic as illumination seen through the trees
Modeling the Economic Value of Space Weather Information

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Photo of various pills loosely piled on top of a stack of cash
Cost of Generic Drug Development and Approval

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Photo of a school of silvery fish in a deep blue water
Retrospective Evaluation of Oceans and Fisheries Work in Mexico

Walton Family Foundation

photo of a line of cars and trucks in heavy traffic along a highway during a winter storm
Estimating the Value of National Weather Service Impact-Based Decision Support Services

National Weather Service

Photo of construction executives with hard hats and bright safety vests looking a blueprints
Regulatory Analysis Support for Updating Regulations under the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts

U.S. Department of Labor

Advanced Data Engineering for Life Cycle Applications

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of first step of AVERT Web Edition
Development of EPA’s AVoided Emissions and geneRation Tool (AVERT)

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Collecting Air Toxics Data Nationwide

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

photo of training manual on a table along with bottles of medication and a glass of water
Evaluation and Recommendations for the Massachusetts Medication Administration Program (MAP)

Massachusetts Department of Public Health

Iron framing for tall building
U.S. Life Cycle Inventory Database Curation

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

satellite map view of Greene Valley RDF
Helping EPA Reduce Landfill Methane Emissions

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

map showing grid of Houson Area Onroad NOx by Lilnk/Zone/Hour
Development of an Innovative Tool to Help Regional Air Quality Districts Model On-Road Emissions

Houston-Galveston Area Council

Photo of Port in Wilmington Delaware with a cargo ship at unloading crane
Developing an Environmental Justice-Focused Community Action Roadmap to Engage the Port of Wilmington, Delaware

Delaware Community Benefits Agreement Coalition

photo of plugging in an electric car charger
Modeling Electric Transportation and Other Climate Solutions for the State of Maine

Maine Governor’s Office for Policy Innovation and the Future

Heavily oiled beach along the Gulf Coast
Gulf Oil Spill Emergency Response

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of NYC in distance with smoke stakes and a pipe running over the water toward the city.
Incorporating Out-of-State Fuel Cycle Emissions in New York State’s GHG Inventory

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

RECs: Making Green Power Possible

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a line of school buses
Full-Spectrum Grant Administration Support for the MassCleanDiesel Program

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

photo of fish in water surrounded by seaweed
Capacity-Building and Grants Administration for California Marine Protected Area Collaboratives

California Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Quest

EPA webpage showing the DERA Helpline
Grant Helpline Support for EPA’s Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of screenshot for Contracts Management Database
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission Management Database

Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission

Photo of map of the United States with dots to indicate emphasis areas for state pollution grants
Analyses to Assist EPA in Selecting New National Emphasis Areas for State Pollution Prevention Grants

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

California’s Russian River on a sunny day
Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations

Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Sonoma County Water Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Photo of 2 construction Inspectors. One is pointing into the distance
Development of EPA Construction Inspection Training Course

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of Port and pods on a cargo ship
Decarbonizing Port Operations via Shore Power

Friends of the Earth

photo of a NYC Street with tall buildings and trees in the forefront
Integrating Environmental Justice into New York’s Groundbreaking Clean Transportation Prizes Program

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

chart showing global warming potential results per gallon of recycled water delivered
NEWR Calculator

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Refinery tanks and conveyor belts
Updates to the GREET Model

Argonne National Laboratory

Photo of empty plastic bottles
PET Plastic Resin Production: U.S. Industry Life Cycle Analysis

National Association for PET Container Resources

Field showing ears of corn with husks pulled down
Assessing the Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of Biofuels Production Using Input-Output Modeling

National Renewable Energy Laboratory

Photo of high power lines
Regional Life Cycle Assessment Tool for U.S. Electricity

National Energy Technology Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Large red freight truck driving down a highway
Helping Green Freight Programs Succeed at Home and Abroad

International Council on Clean Transportation, Natural Resources Canada, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Tailpipe of a VW car
ERG Supports Clean Air Act Settlements

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

3 photo examples of Anthropogenic Methane Emissions
Helping EPA Reduce Anthropogenic Methane Emissions

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2019
Improving the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a classroom setting of adults
Facilitating Community-Driven Solutions to Climate Change in Alameda, California

City of Alameda

Remote monitoring equipment deployed by ERG near a local elementary school to assess potential exposure
Addressing Community-Level Air Toxics in a Louisiana Parish

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of a Petroleum Refinery
Expansion of Petroleum Refinery Model for Life Cycle Assessment

National Energy Technology Laboratory

photo of homes and nearby oil tanks
Environmental Justice at the Fenceline: Reducing Toxic Air Pollutants at Petroleum Refineries

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of flood water in the Cedar River running through Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Increasing Community Resilience to Climate Crises

National Institute of Standards and Technology

Photo of houses in Barrow, Alaska and a signpost pointing to far-away places
Saving Lives and Infrastructure in Western Alaska Native Villages

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Weather Service

Photo from above looking down onto a street in downtown Paterson, New Jersey
Collecting Data on Air Toxins in Paterson, New Jersey

Rutgers University

Photo showing colorful new homes in Raleigh, North Carolina
Developing Climate Justice Solutions in Raleigh, North Carolina

City of Raleigh

Photo of a water treatment plant under a blue sky
Developing Guidance to Help Communities Advocate for Drinking Water Equity

River Network

Aerial photo of Winnebago, Nebraska, home to the tribal council offices of the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Improving Drinking Water and Wastewater Systems in Tribal and Small Communities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial photo of the coast of a Caribbean island
Caribbean Regional Coastal Integrated Information Management System

Pilot Program for Climate Resilience at the University of West Indies, Mona

Close up view of pine cone hanging from a branch, surrounded by green pine needles
First Industry-Wide Greenhouse Gas and Energy Life Cycle Assessment of Pine Chemicals

American Chemistry Council

Aerial view of houses, shoreline, and ocean along the U.S. coast.
Evaluating the NOAA Coastal Services Center’s Stakeholder Services

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

African child in a rural African setting, holding a bagged plant ready for planting.
Partnership Strategy for a Sustainable African Forestry Fund

Global Environment Fund

Male veteran on a phone at a work desk with an American flag in the background.
Using Lean Six Sigma to Improve Support for U.S. Veterans

U.S. Department of Labor

Man in hard hat and safety glasses looking at water in a wastewater treatment tank.
WIFIA Engineering Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Photo of water towers
Supporting Safe Drinking Water Act Compliance on Tribal Lands

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Scenic fall landscape with grassy field in front sloping down to trees and then a series of mountains going deep into the background with a beautiful sky above
EPA's Report on the Environment

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Miner drilling into rock face in a mine.
Using Lean Six Sigma to Protect Miner Health and Safety

U.S. Department of Labor

View from the rear of a seated group in a large room where a presentation with slides is being delivered by a speaker at a podium.
Support for Organizational Climate Survey

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Woman facilitating a meeting, with a whiteboard in the background
Stakeholder Facilitation for California’s Wildlife Action Plan

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Coastal Quest

Drenched walkway with palm trees with fronds blown sideways by wind at a Gulf Coast beachside area during a substantial storm.
Evaluating NOAA’s Coastal Storms Program in the Gulf of Mexico

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Two men standing side by side over an office table carefully examine the contents of a document open on the table.
FDA Data Analysis and Search Host (DASH)

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Aerial view of rocky California coastline
Enhancing Management of California’s Marine Protected Area Network

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Ocean Protection Council, Coastal Quest, Resources Legacy Fund

Commercial fishing boats moored in an Alaskan harbor
Ocean Conservation Strategic Funding Initiatives: A Study of Successes and Lessons Learned

The David and Lucile Packard Foundation

Close-up showing the hands of a person inspecting a netted ocean fish catch
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Marine Conservation Program in Belize

The Wildlife Conservation Society

Aerial view of four freight trucks on a highway and off-ramp
Strategic Plan to Guide the SmartWay Transport Partnership

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of a lagoon in the Caribbean Sea
Sustainable Financing and Operations to Conserve Caribbean Marine and Coastal Environments

Anonymous International Nonprofit Organization, Coastal Quest, Henry Foundation, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

Close-up of FDA-regulated medication pills on a mirror
Assessing the Effectiveness of an Innovative FDA Drug Review Program

U.S. Food and Drug Administration

Small group wading in and examining shallow coastal water with ring nets
Strategic Business Plan and Revenue Model for a New Marine Sciences Initiative

University of California, Davis, Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute and Bodega Marine Laboratory

View from a path in Lands End park in San Francisco, looking over coastal water with the Golden Gate Bridge in the distance
Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Regional Conservation Program

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation

A drilling rig set up in a cleared dirt lot with trucks and trailers around, and trees in the background
Oil and Gas Emission Inventory Development

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Water being treated at a drinking water treatment plant
Evaluating Residuals Management at Drinking Water Treatment Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

1.5 trillion gallons of water saved since 2006!
Saving Water Through WaterSense

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of two large circular wastewater treatment tanks
Life Cycle and Cost Analysis for Innovative and Sustainable Water Treatment Options

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Covers and/or pages from several EPA "Climate Change Indicators in the United States" publications
Climate Indicators Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Example map showing potential storm surge flooding
Visualizing the Dangers of Storm Surge

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Petroleum refinery pipes with emissions pouring into the ambient air
Clean Air Act Enforcement Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Example output of innovative risk-based method to identify facilities whose emissions may be exceeding permit limits. Output shows satellite view of an area overlaid with windrose showing pollution emissions from a point source.
Development of an Innovative Method to Target Likely Non-compliers

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of flood waters surging through local area with residential streets and homes.
Flash Flood Summit and Stakeholder Engagement

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Over a dozen diverse smiling hospital staff and a patient standing together, all looking at the camera.
Promoting Hospital Worker Safety

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Screenshot of NOAA's FishWatch website homepage
NOAA FishWatch Website Redesign

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Aerial view of wetlands, with two people standing on a dock and trees in the background.
Understanding Coastal Wetland Loss

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Air monitoring device situated in a yard just outside a home
Measuring Community Exposures to Fill Critical Data Gaps

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Petrochemical plant below a blue sky with clouds
Air Quality Permitting Support

State, Local, and Tribal Permitting Agencies

Dark wastewater flows from a pipe into a waterbody with plants
Evaluating Cost-Effective Technology Solutions for Industrial Wastewater Discharges

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Group of EPA employees participating in outdoors synchonized aerobic dance exercises in an urban environment on a sunny day
Keeping EPA Employees Safe and Healthy at Work

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Three professionals stand and talk in front of a poster display about the Global Methane Initiative
Support for EPA's Global Methane Initiative

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of Pentagon building
Defending Our Future with Energy Efficiency

U.S. Department of Defense, Washington Headquarters Services

Screenshot of EPA's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory Tool webpage showing four dropdown menus and images illustrating relative percentages of GHG emissions by emission type and economic sector
Digital Transformation of EPA's Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Homepage of the Northeast Regional Ocean Council's "Ocean Planning in the Northeast" website, as shown on a tablet, mobile phone, desktop, and laptop computer
Ocean Planning in the Northeast

Northeast Regional Ocean Council

Aerial view of large oil offshore drilling platform surrounded by ocean
Input-Output Analysis

U.S. Department of the Interior

Effluent flowing from two discharge pipes into a water body
Creating EPA’s DMR Pollutant Loading Tool

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Screenshot of online New York Times page with headline "Study Finds Violations of Wage Law in New York and California" and a photo of a woman standing in front of a fast food restaurant, hands on hips, looking into the distance with anger in her eyes.
Estimating the Impact of Wage Violations on Minimum Wage Workers

U.S. Department of Labor

Screenshot of DOE Better Buildings publication with four icons in the foreground for Strategy Development, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
Sharing Proven Strategies for Energy Efficiency Programs

U.S. Department of Energy

Man operating an optical gas imaging device
Developing Optical Gas Imaging Protocols

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The top corner of a modern building, as seen from below, with blue sky in the background
Supporting Sustainable Best Practices at EPA Facilities

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Aerial view of hurricane damage to a pier and other buildings along the U.S. coast
Estimating the Value of Restoring Ecosystem Services Following Superstorm Sandy

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Aerial view of a Gulf Coast barrier island surrounded by blue-green ocean water
Support for the Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Sparks fly from a circular saw operated by a worker cutting a rail on a railway
Development of OSHA's Severe Injury Report Capture Tool

Occupational Safety and Health Administration

Chemical plant with vapor or smoke plumes rising into the clear blue sky
Clean Air Act Regulatory Development Support

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency